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Phone Sessions

30 minutes - $60

60 minutes - $110

1.5 hour - $160

2 hours - $210



I.e. Mobile Therapeutic Massage

 *single session

60 minutes - $140

90 minutes - $190

120 minutes - $240

*multiple people (2 or more)

2 hr block - $250

2.5 hr block - $300

3 hr block - $350

3.5 hr block - $400

4 hr block - $450

/sessions one after the other/

*if travel time is 60 min please add $50 for travel







To get a package use


First make a separate (Package) Donation then go to Booking for scheduling and in Payment Options choose "Pay in Person", as it's already donated.

*Click the underlined link above



Massage Therapy Packages are for Emergencies and to be used within 30 days; unused portion becomes a credit – no refunds


60 minutes   (2-4 sessions a month)

 - 2 sessions - $250  /normally $280

 - 3 sessions - $350  /normally $420

 - 4 sessions - $450  /normally $560


90 minutes   (2-4 sessions a month)

      *90 min is a required booking for '45 min travel time'

- 2 sessions - $350   /normally $380

- 3 sessions - $500   /normally $570

- 4 sessions - $650   /normally $760


120 minutes   (2–4 sessions a month)

- 2 sessions - $450   /normally $480

- 3 sessions - $650   /normally $720

- 4 sessions - $850   /normally $960



*120 min is a required booking for '60 min travel time' with a 90 min session due to travel

- 2 sessions - $500     

- 3 sessions - $750       

- 4 sessions - $1000

*add $50 for a full120 min session with 60 min travel time

- 2 sessions - $550    

- 3 sessions - $800      

- 4 sessions - $1050



*The packages are to support "emergencies"

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